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DLHub: A Tutorial for the First Time Undergraduate Users to Learn Deep Learning

Deep learning is getting much attention as a widely used machine learning technique because of its strength and usefulness for research, industry, and society. However, this technique requires a stiff learning curve for first-time users including a setup of a computing environment, applying deep learning to his/her problem, and writing code for it. To ease this procedure, we created a website called Deep Learning Hub (DLHub), which is a website with deep learning tutorial customized for first-time users.

DLHub provides a tutorial in three steps.

  • The first section titled 1. Setting up an environment presents the installation steps needed for deep learning in an operating system. We present the how-to for python, jupyter, Anaconda, CUDA, cuDNN, PyTorch, LabelImg, and the YOLOv5 model.
  • The second section, 2. Data preparation presents how to use programs to generate data.
  • The last section, 3. Data recognition using deep learning, shows the steps to build a user’s own object detection model. We utilized Google’s Colab environment with free GPU resources so that a user without her own GPU can use it.

We hope undergraduate students can visit our DLHub website and try the instructions so that they can get started learning deep learning and apply this technique to their research and education.

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